Über uns
We shape the future of learning
Als Spin-off aus einem Forschungsprojekt vereinen wir Wissenschaft und Technologie.
Wir gestalten die Zukunft des Lernens.
In Zeiten der Digitalen Transformation wollen wir mit zukunftsorientierten virtuellen Trainingslösungen und digitalen Lern Apps die Zukunft des Lernens gestalten.
Fun is just another word for learning
Die Zukunft ist hier! Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen fit für die digitale Welt von morgen mit unseren gamifizierten High-Tech Trainingslösungen für mehr Spaß am Lernen. Mit modernster Technologie wie interaktive Virtual Reality (VR) Trainingssimulationen und digitalen Lern-Apps einschließlich künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) inszeniert unser Team aus Wissenschaftlern, Softwareentwicklern, Art- und Game Designer
immersiven Trainingswelten, die zu den Anforderungen jeder Branche oder jedem Curriculum passen. Zu unseren Kunden zählen Fortune-500-Unternehmen aus Branchen wie der Automobilindustrie, dem Finanzsektor oder dem Bildungswesen, die mit unseren innovativen Trainingsformaten das mobile Lernen zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort erleichtern möchten.
Unser Team
who we are and what we do
Für einen effizienten Wissenstransfer und mehr Spaß am Lernen entwickelt unser Team aus Wissenschaftlern, Softwareentwicklern, Art- und Game-Designern, Autoren und Regisseuren gamifizierte Trainingswelten.
Art & Game
Game Engineering
Management Straightlabs
design, film, games and storytelling
Social Media Designer
With her great affinity for writing, Flavia creates social media posts and press releases as well as content for our virtual training apps.
Game Designer
Alongside to his project management skills Florian’s great passion are video and computer games. With his expertise Florian supports our development team to design engaging learning environments.
Art Designer
With fervor for digital tools such as ZBrush, Maya, Mudbox and MotionBuilder, Marcel brings life into our virtual world. Marcel has a Bachelor’s degree in Digital Film Design from the Mediadesign College.
Art Designer
With love for digital drawings, Leonie creates visually stunning learning scenarios. Leonie studied art and multimedia at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich.
UX Designer
The creative maverick. With his sense for shape and color, Phil creates our UX Design.
Sound Designer
As a sound and music designer, Simon sets the tone in our virtual world. Simon passed his Master of Music in “Composition for Film & Theatre” at the ArtEZ Conservatory in Arnhem. He supported the INC MUSIC Supervisor in Los Angeles.
Author and Director
Storytelling, high-class dramaturgic screenplays and training dialogs are Jesper’s passion. With many years of work experience as an assistant director and 2nd Unit-Director, Jesper is visiting lecturer at the University of Television and Film Munich. Jesper has got a degree in Film and Television Play from the University of Television and Film Munich and also studied at the Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia. In 2015 his book ‘Drehplanung’ was published by UVK.
developing, environments and 3D surroundings
Database Developer
The data warehouse designer. Adrian has a Bachelor’s degree in Games Engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
X-Reality Developer
The creative mind behind our immersive virtual reality. Antoine studied Computer Science at the École Supérieure d’Informatique.
Cloud Architect
The leading architect of our cloud environment. Benedikt studied Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Game Developer
The leading architect of our 3D environment and head of our 3D developer team. Bernd has a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Unity Developer
Kerim is highly interested in creating virtual worlds. Kerim has a Master’s degree from the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
User Interface Design
Merging post modern UX Design with our development framework. Valérie studied computer science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Unity Developer
Designing playful virtual 3D environments. Stefan has a Master’s degree in Games Engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
App Developer
Our network and security specialist. Tobias has a Bachelor’s degree in Games Engineering from the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
founder, management and ideas
Founder & Managing Director
With passion for disruptive ideas Peter founded straightlabs, an Education Technology Lab, to reshape the digital learning culture powered by groundbreaking immersive technologies. His outstanding track record based on more than 30 years of international management and leadership experience. Today, Peter is Professor of Strategic and International Management at the University of Applied Management in Munich and visiting Professor at the Institute of Game Engineering at the Technical University Munich (TUM). Alongside to his professorship and straightlabs, Peter researches on related topics to the digital transformation of learning and management decisions.
Technical Director & Chief Operating Officer
With his professional experience in computer science and as a Unity Certified Developer Fabrizio inspires and leads our edu team of developers, directors, art and game designers and many other disciplines.
Fabrizio has a Bachelor of Science in Economics and European Politics from the Università degli studi di Cagliari, as well as a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Applied Management. Fabrizio is lecturer at the University of Applied Management and PhD candidate at the TUM Technical University Munich.